
You can request payment from a customer. Funds will be moved from the customers mobile money wallet to your account in nkwaPay. This operation needs to be explicitly authorised by the customer by entering their PIN code. The operation can take between a few seconds up to a few minutes to be processed successfully.

After your collection request has been accepted for processing, it can have one of the following statuses in the nkwaPay platform:

PENDINGThe collection request has been accepted and payment is pending
SUCCESSFULThe collection request has been successful. This is a final state.
FAILEDThe collection request has failed. This is a final state.


You can disburse money from your nkwaPay account to a customers mobile money account. This operation does not require the customer to valid with a PIN code.

After your disbursement request has been accepted for processing, it can have one of the following statuses in the nkwaPay platform:

PENDINGThe collection request has been accepted and payment is pending
SUCCESSFULThe collection request has been successful. This is a final state.
FAILEDThe collection request has failed. This is a final state.

Payment is stuck in pending state

If a payment has not arrived its final state from the MNO after 15 mins, it will require manual reconciliation. You will continue to see the status as PENDING. Once it has been manually reconciled, it’ll then obtain its final state and you will be notified via your configured callback URL if it’s set.


If a disbursement request fails, you will be refunded the full amount of the disbursement. (amount + fees)